for legal professionals



I know how hard it is to truly let go - but just for this moment, we’re going to practice the surrender. For the next few minutes, we’re choosing to let go of all we’ve accumulated - the stresses, the worries, the to-do lists. Even if just for this brief moment, we’re deciding to be fully here, now. This is your time to release, to reset, and to simply be.

what if there was a way to manage stress and improve focus, concentration, memory retention, trial performance, and well-being.

In the high-pressure world of law, stress is an ever-present companion. From the rigorous demands of law school to the high-stakes environment of courtrooms, legal professionals often find themselves navigating a sea of stress.

Enter mindfulness – a science-backed practice that’s a superpower for success in law school and the legal field.

Mindfulness has been shown to enhance focus and concentration in lectures and study sessions, improve memory retention when studying for exams like the LSAT or Bar Exam, improve trial performance and general casework by reducing anxiety and improving ethical decision-making by increasing awareness of one's thoughts and emotions—resulting in lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.

I’ve been in your shoes…

LSAT Anxiety: Standing outside Harvard Law's LSAT hall, feeling like my brain had emptied itself.

Bar Exam Survival: Zombie-walking through the two-day ordeal, heart pounding, desperately trying to stay calm.

Law School Overwhelm: Constant fight-or-flight mode, balancing workload with a frayed nervous system.

Practice Shock: Realizing law school didn't fully prepare me for real-world practice, battling performance anxiety and self-doubt.

The Missing Piece: Mindfulness

Looking back, I realize what was missing: the power of mindfulness. While I had the academic skills, I lacked the mental tools to:

  • Manage stress effectively

  • Maintain focus under pressure

  • Find joy in the challenging process

  • Boost performance while preserving well-being

Transform Your Legal Journey

  • Imagine approaching your legal education and career with:

  • Calm confidence during high-stakes moments

  • Mental clarity for enhanced learning and recall

  • Resilience to bounce back from setbacks

  • A sense of purpose and enjoyment in your work

Why Mindfulness Coaching?

As a former attorney who's walked this path, I offer tailored mindfulness coaching to help you:

1. Develop practical stress-management techniques

2. Improve focus and productivity

3. Build emotional intelligence for better client and colleague relationships

4. Create a sustainable, fulfilling legal career

Don't just survive law school and legal practice – thrive in it. Let's work together to unlock your full potential through the power of mindfulness.

the science of stress

Stress, particularly chronic stress, can have profound effects on both body and mind. When we experience stress, our bodies release cortisol and adrenaline, triggering the "fight or flight" response. While this can be beneficial in short bursts, prolonged activation of this stress response can lead to a host of health issues, including:

- Impaired cognitive function and memory

- Weakened immune system

- Increased risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses

- Mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression

For law students and legal professionals, the sources of stress are numerous: grueling study schedules, high-stakes exams like the LSAT and Bar Exam, case preparation, courtroom performances, and the constant pressure to meet billable hours. This chronic stress can lead to burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and even ethical lapses.

For law students and practicing attorneys, mindfulness can be a game-changer. Here's WHAT the SCIENCE SAYS:

1. Enhanced Focus and Concentration: A study published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement found that law students who practiced mindfulness showed improved concentration and reduced mind-wandering during lectures and study sessions.

2. Improved Memory Retention: Research in the journal Psychological Science demonstrated that mindfulness meditation can help reduce "proactive interference" – the tendency for previously learned information to interfere with new learning. This can be particularly beneficial when studying for exams like the LSAT or Bar Exam.

3. Better Stress Management: A study in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry found that law students who participated in a mindfulness program reported significantly lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression compared to a control group.

4. Enhanced Ethical Decision-Making: Research published in the Journal of Legal Education suggests that mindfulness practices can enhance ethical decision-making skills among legal professionals by increasing awareness of one's thoughts and emotions.

5. Improved Trial Performance: A study in the Journal of Legal Education found that attorneys who practiced mindfulness reported feeling more prepared for trial, experienced less anxiety during court proceedings, and felt they performed better overall.


A groundbreaking study conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital, published in the January 30, 2011 issue of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, has shown remarkable changes in the brain structure of individuals who practice mindfulness meditation regularly. This study is the first to document meditation-produced changes over time in the brain's grey matter.[1]

The research team, led by Dr. Sara Lazar, studied participants who completed an 8-week MBSR program. The participants practiced mindfulness exercises for an average of 27 minutes each day. Using MRI scans taken before and after the program, the researchers observed the following changes:

1. Increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, crucial for learning and memory.

2. Increased density in brain structures associated with self-awareness, compassion, and introspection.

3. Decreased grey-matter density in the amygdala, which plays a key role in anxiety and stress. This change correlated with participants' self-reported reductions in stress.

These structural changes were not observed in the control group, indicating that they resulted from the mindfulness practice rather than merely the passage of time.


These findings have profound implications for managing stress, enhancing performance and overall well-being. The observed changes in brain regions associated with memory, self-awareness, and stress reduction align precisely with the skills crucial for success. Increased self-awareness can improve emotional intelligence, as well as personal and client relations, and reduced stress can lead to better decision-making and work-life balance.

Register for our next MBSR Program or reach out for a complimentary 1:1 consultation to bring stress reaction and well-being into your life.

  • For Attorneys

    Mindfulness has been shown to improve trial performance and general casework by reducing anxiety and improving ethical decision-making by increasing awareness of one's thoughts and emotions.

  • For Students/Bar Exam/LSATs

    Mindfulness has been shown to enhance focus and concentration in lectures and study sessions, improve memory retention when studying for exams like the LSAT or Bar Exam, result in lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression.


  • Comprehensive wellness assessment

  • Personalized nutrition, stress reduction, and movement plan to help you reach your goals

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles.

  • Access to recipes and meal planning service.