The Mountain Is You

It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

- Sir Edmund Hillary

We often approach life as if it's a grueling test, one we're desperately trying not to fail. But what if we shifted our perspective and saw it instead as a grand, exciting game? This simple change in mindset can transform our entire experience.

Have you ever heard André De Shield's powerful Tony Award acceptance speech?

1. "Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming."

2. "Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be."

3. "The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing."

These nuggets of wisdom resonated, perfectly aligning with the changes I've been making in my own life. They reminded me that our journey isn't about reaching a final destination, but about savoring each step along the way.

Too often, we rush through life, anxious to reach our goals. In a hurry to accomplish something beyond ourselves. Surrounded by people who drain our energy rather than uplift us. We treat each challenge as a pass-or-fail test instead of an opportunity for growth and joy.

We are quite literally here to have the time of our life.

But what if we embraced De Shield's advice? What if we cultivated relationships that energize us, moved at a pace that allows for deep appreciation and learning, and viewed each accomplishment as a stepping stone to new adventures?

This approach aligns beautifully with Abraham Hicks' teachings: "You didn't come to struggle, you came to enjoy the attraction that your focus accomplishes." We're not here to suffer through life, but to relish in the experiences our intentions and focus create.

It's time we become our own case studies. Let's tune into how alignment feels versus misalignment. Let's notice the difference between moving with our inner guidance and pushing against it. This awareness is the key to unlocking a life of joy and purpose.

Embrace your groundedness. You're here, in this body, in this time and space, for a reason. Your physical existence isn't a burden to transcend, but a gift to cherish. Focus your energies on what's meaningful to you. That's the whole point of this earthly experience.

Remember, life is a game, not a test. There's no failing, only learning and growing. So let go of the misery you might be committed to. Release the idea that struggle equals worthiness. Instead, play full out. Enjoy the climb. Celebrate each peak, knowing it's the start of a new, exciting ascent.

Your mountain is uniquely yours. Climb it at your own pace, surrounded by those who cheer you on. Enjoy the view. And when you reach the top, look out with wonder at the new heights calling you forward.

What mountain are you climbing today? How can you approach it with more joy and less pressure? Remember, you're not being tested. You're being invited to play. So climb on, dear friend, and enjoy the game.


Food Is Medicine

